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  Vacuum resistance furnace according to vacuum degree can be divided into: low vacuum furnace (~ xib 'related to a, high vacuum furnace (~ xpa, ultra high vacuum furnace (pa nozzle. A library that points to a change is called its input repository, and a library that points to a change is called its output repository. The subject of this paper is to study the subject is based on the MCU controlled water temperature control system design, if the main introduces the temperature of the water tank display, to achieve the real-time display and control of the temperature. Low voltage ac voltage is the voltage of the secondary side of the transformer, through the process of zero-crossing detection of ac voltage detection of zero-crossing, into the single-chip microcomputer, control the number of sine waves in each sampling cycle to adjust the heating power. In order to adapt to the heating characteristics of the silicon-molybdenum rod, the NZK voltage regulator eliminates the memory function, so the power should be adjusted from scratch after each power cut.

  Last century because of the widespread use of graphite materials, coupled with the word navigation, electronics and other industries forced f; Needs, makes possible the rapid growth of vacuum resistance furnace and presents various types can be used to divide the technological requirements of vacuum resistance furnace, the function of the craft of vacuum resistance furnace, the scale and the number is the eve of the eve of the improvement and extension, and the automatic and intelligent control, high pressure, high flow rate model and the steps of the eve of the produce equipment mark hate-figure forthe purpose of growth. Obviously, the SCR is at its highest power when switched on at time 00 of a given period t. E transmission of the operating system search and inspection; F water cooling system report f function search; 8 furnace sealing function search. Furnace wall area average furnace wall area side wall and front and rear wall to simplify the calculation will be the furnace door in the front wall. After the inlet air is installed in the furnace, the bottom of the furnace is preheated through the heating chamber, and the exhaust gas is discharged into the furnace through the front part of the furnace, and the exhaust air is burned up to ensure that the air in the furnace can reduce the temperature difference in the furnace on average. The material of furnace bottom plate is cr heat-resistant steel. According to the actual size of furnace bottom, it is divided into three or four pieces, thick.




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